Skeleton Is Your Friend

When I created the template for this site, I didn’t embrace Skeleton.  I worked against it.  I messed with widths, I changed defaults everywhere, and I added a ton of media queries.  I got what I wanted in the end, but I knew that I could have worked smarter with Skeleton.

So, when I started work on my final project, I set out with the mindset that I’d work with Skeleton, not against it.  One of the ways I did that is with Skeleton’s utility classes.  Skeleton’s built in utility classes include options to:

  • Make element full width
  • Make sure elements don’t run outside containers (great for images in columns)
  • Float left or right
  • Clear a float

This means that you don’t have to build your own CSS classes for these items, or worry that they will mess up elements of your Skeleton grid.  Simply use Skeleton’s utility class along side your other Skeleton classes (row, column, etc) or on any elements at all.  I personally have used the utility classes for the 100% width option for my header and footer, and they worked perfectly.  There’s nothing like saving time and preventing code conflicts!